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#uncanny valley

Nerds Without Pants Episode 57: Hallow3en Havoc

It's the end of a trilogy...all bets are off!

Hey all! Happy Halloween Havoc part tres! No time to go into detail on this one unfortunately. I had to shotgun it to get it ready for release on the big day. Listen to us talk about not scary things that scare us as you get ready to paint the town (blood) red. Also, the honeymoon is over for Destiny and Patrick, Angelo and Julian get down with Bayonetta, and when we bring up Batman # 35 it's spoiler country, so you have been warned!

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More Human Than Human

Traversing the uncanny valley

It was in the late 1970s that Masahiro Mori first observed what was later termed the uncanny valley. Through his work in robotics he noted that the human emotional response to his machinations would become more positive as they became more human in appearance and mannerism. This general upward trend in positive emotional response would continue until the robot achieved a level of near human realism, at which point the human reaction would drop off to the point of revulsion. The human reaction would remain in this uncanny valley and would only rise again once there was no discernable difference between the robot and a living, breathing human being.

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